Day 50: High Centered


Day 50: February 19, 2014: Upper Market

Today was a sick day for me, but I wasn’t having the worst day in the neighborhood. My doctor told me that my symptoms matched everyone else who came in sick lately, and that I’d probably get worse for a few days, lose my voice, then be sick for another week or so. Sounded lovely. So I stayed home today to rest and do some computer work.

Eventually, I needed to get a break from the house, so I walked over to Kite Hill for a bit of fresh air. There I came across this sight. Apparently this truck was a bit too low to make it over the hill and got high centered. They were still there trying to free it when I walked back by a half hour or so later, but apparently another tow truck was on the way. I’m not sure how the situation resolved itself, but the truck was gone by the next morning, so I assume they figured something out.

Careful on those hills.

(Arista EDU 400 black and white in the Sureshot SLC P22 and Fuji Superia 200 in one of the other snow leopard cams, SLC P20)


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