Day 32: Impossible Christmas


Day 32: February 1, 2014: Crocker Amazon

Today was the day that joyous holiday of Impossible Christmas arrived at the southern edge of San Francisco.

Today was the day of Impossible Christmas festivities in southern San Francisco. It’s kind of a long story, but iXmas is a fast growing holiday dreamed up by a couple friends of mine that is kind of a secret santa exchange of gifts that don’t exist in the real world, if that makes any sense. Participants come up with a list of things they’ve always wished for, but are impossible to procure due to expense, discontinuation, impracticality, the laws of physics, etc, and are then tasked with making someone else’s impossible wish a reality. It’s a great way to follow up the commercialism of the holidays with a little creativity, craftiness, and perhaps some interpretive dance.

The photo above chronicles the appearance of the otamatone, which quite possibly could be the most amazing instrument ever created. It was not part of the festivities, but just happened to make a surprise appearance, to the delight of all.

The other photo is the view north of Sutro and the hills from the far edge of San Francisco, using some really badly expired film.  Just a little grainy on that one..

(Cinestill 800T in the Canon EOS 3 and some Kodak 800 Gold film that probably expired almost 10 years ago, with the Pentax K1000)


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