I just discovered this looking through some of my recent photos tonight. Shot from the top of Tank Hill near the end of October, I was fortunate to stumble upon this scene with my camera as evening approached. We had a few days of interesting low-lying fog that made for some good photo ops, and this evening didn’t disappoint. Looking for a peaceful escape on Monday after the City’s celebration of the Giants’ World Series win the night before (note all of the orange out there), I headed for the hills, like usual. There’s just something calming about watching the City from afar. I previously posted a version of this shot taken after dark, but now I think I prefer the early evening light in this one.
The Harvey Milk Photo Center and Muni Diaries are coming together to host a Muni-themed photo exhibition with an opening reception this Friday in honor of Muni’s 100th anniversary.
I’ll have a few photos in the show. So come by to see them all printed and fancy, along other great local muniphotography, some other fun stuff from the Muni Diaries crew, and of course, me…I’ll be there. Come see me. 🙂
Harvey Milk Photo Center @ 50 Scott St, SF. Reception Friday, Nov 30, 6:30-9.
The Farallon Islands, located 30 miles outside the Golden Gate, are occasionally visible from the City on clear days. I happened to be up on top of Turtle Hill at sunset on one of those rare clear days to get this shot. If you look closely, the beacon of the Farallon Island Lighthouse is visible at the top of the largest island.
The City was ready to explode on Sunday, when the Giants took on the Detroit Tigers for Game 4 of the World Series, with the chance for a sweep. I watched it on the projector at Tres near the park with a few hundred of my new closest friends. The close game brought the energy in the room to crazy levels by the 10th inning when SF pulled ahead. The fact that we were watching in a tequila bar may have contributed to that energy, but I’m going to give most of the credit to the game. With Romo throwing the final strike, the crowd exploded. Drinks flew, high fives and hugs were exchanged with everyone near, I lost my voice for a bit, and the crowd flooded for the exits to get to the ballpark. After a quick trip to retrieve some stashed champagne, we made our way to Willie Mays plaza to join in the party. In the plaza, the masses of celebrators clogged the intersection, spraying champagne, waving rally rags and sweep brooms, and generally having a great time. For the most part, euphoric celebration lasted about an hour and a half before taking a turn downhill. Early on, a few people tried to start fires, but the crowd was pretty active in stopping these few and pushing them out of the intersection. Eventually though, enough people showed up and enough alcohol was consumed to pass the point of containment.
It seems I didn’t get around to posting anything after the Giants’ comeback to win the NLDS. Too busy celebrating and scheming to acquire tickets, I suppose. At any rate, here’s some delayed celebratory nighttime orange. 🙂
The NLCS kicks off in SF this evening against St. Louis. I’ll see you at the park for games 1 and 2! Go Giants!
Well, Sunday was the saddest baseball game I’ve ever witnessed, and I’ve been to enough Mariners games in my life that that’s a pretty high bar… The odds of coming back to win 3 in a row are slim, but how’s about we pull of a win in Cincinnati tonight, guys? Coit Tower looks good in orange. We could use a reason to keep it that way for a bit longer.
The Blue Angels are back this weekend for the Fleet Week Airshow, if you’re so inclined to check it out. If not, there’s always the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, a couple NLDS games at AT&T Park, at 49ers game at Candlestick, the Castro Street Fair, some America’s Cup races, and a billion other things going on, as well. Good luck if you, for some reason, need to drive anywhere in the city (or are relying on Muni). Perhaps it’s a good weekend to walk or ride the bike? Where ever you end up, enjoy the weekend…and go Giants!